Secure Home Program To Keep Your Family Safe

The holidays can be a stressful time, but they can also be enjoyable if you’re prepared. The same is true of disasters and emergencies. If you have a safe home program in place before disaster strikes, you’ll know exactly what to do and how to react when disaster hits. With these tips, you’ll have everything covered! Secure Home is an assisted ownership program. The objective of Secure Home is not only to provide decent and affordable housing but long-term housing stability and security in the same way that homeownership does.

Hire a Professional to Assess Your Home’s Security

A home security program assessment is the first step in securing your home and family, so don’t skip this step! A professional will walk through your house, looking at every inch of it from top to bottom. They’ll check for vulnerabilities like weak locks and windows that don’t lock properly, as well as potential threats like pets who could get hurt if they escape and children who might accidentally lock themselves in the bathroom while playing hide-and-seek. The assessment will also include recommendations on how best to fix these issues in some cases, all you have to do is buy new locks; other times it might require hiring an electrician or contractor (which could cost hundreds or even thousands). Afterward, you’ll receive a written report outlining all these findings so that when choosing contractors/electricians/etc., there are no surprises later on down the road!

Install an Alarm System For the Safest Secure Home

A home security program alarm system is a great way to protect your home and family, but they’re not just for the rich. You can get an affordable alarm system that will protect you from intruders and help keep your valuables safe.

If you install an alarm system with good locks on all doors and windows, it will help prevent burglars from getting inside your house in the first place. If someone does manage to break into one of these locked rooms or areas, then they’ll set off an alarm when they try opening it and that’s when it’s time for them (and everyone else) to run away!

Make Sure That Your Kids Have an Emergency Plan

There are a few things you can do to make sure that when disaster strikes, your children know what to do and are safe. The first step is to talk with them about an emergency plan. If there’s ever an earthquake or fire in your area, for example, it’s important for kids to know where they should meet up with their family members so that everyone stays together.

Secure Valuable Items with Secure Home Program

A safe is the best place to keep valuable items, like jewelry and electronics. If you don’t have one yet, consider getting one today!

To protect your most important documents and papers:

  • Keep them in a safe deposit box at your bank or credit union.
  • Store them in an offsite location such as a secure lockbox or safe deposit box that is not located at your home or work address. This makes it harder for someone who steals them from you to use the information contained within them against you later on (for example, when trying to commit identity theft).

Have a Family Meeting About What to Do During a Disaster

The best way to get your family on the same page is by having a meeting. At this meeting, you should discuss:

  • Where you will meet if you are separated during an emergency
  • What each person needs to bring with them in case of evacuation or shelter-in-place (this includes medications)
  • How everyone can contact each other during an emergency

Your Home Can be Both Safe with Secure Home Program

The best way to keep your home safe and secure is by being prepared. That means planning for disasters, knowing what to do in an emergency, and having an emergency plan in place.

You should also make sure that all the members of your household know how to use 911 and other numbers that could help them get help during an emergency. This includes:

  • Your neighbor’s number (or someone else who lives nearby)
  • The local police department’s non-emergency line or dispatch center (if they have one)


We hope this article has helped you understand how to make your home safe and secure so that it can withstand any disaster. We know that it can be a lot of work, but we also believe in the power of family and community. If everyone takes care of their own homes and neighborhoods, then together we can all keep each other safe during these uncertain times!